Friday, December 18, 2009
A little taste of holiday cheer
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Beating the Winter Blahs, YMCA Style
Monday, November 30, 2009
Connecting our community for the better.
This week our guest blogger is Drew Smith, our Financial Development Director:
Greetings and Happy Holidays! My name is Drew Smith and I’m the financial development director here at the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA. What does that title mean? Well, I’m basically a connector. I connect investors to the CHCYMCA - a great nonprofit organization that is serving the community in so many ways on a daily basis. Did you know that we have a standing commitment to make sure that no one is turned away from the YMCA based on his or her financial resources? Anyone and everyone who wants to be a part of the CHCYMCA is welcome, regardless of ability to pay. You know, most people think of our community as affluent; with an abundance of highly educated people from all over the globe. That’s true, but it’s also true that there are people who live and work here who struggle each day to make ends meet.
By connecting investors with the YMCA, we have the funds available to award financial assistance to hundreds of people every year right here in our community. People who need afterschool care for their children, summer day camp for their elementary schoolchildren, or seniors who need a place to take water aerobics classes. Those are just a few examples of how a donor’s gift is invested.
This is arguably the worst economy since the great depression, but our YMCA has received a record number of annual donations totaling more than $132,000 as of this writing. Still, we’ll award approximately $250,000 worth of financial assistance to local children, families, and individuals…so you can see there are unmet needs.
During the holidays, many of us take time to give thanks for our blessings and reflect on how fortunate we are for health, happiness, and good fortune. But for some of our neighbors, the holidays might not seem as bright or cheery…there are financial woes, unemployment concerns, and a decision of whether to pay the rent, or buy groceries.
Looking to make an end of the year donation and want 100% of your gift to stay local without part of your donation going to administrative fees, etc.? Please consider a gift to the We Build People campaign. You can make a gift securely online through our website. Just click the Donate Now button on our home page. You can always send a check or use a credit card if you’d like.
I think this is a great time to be thankful for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA. Imagine what our community would look like without it? Imagine if the 250+ kids who attend afterschool at the Y had to find somewhere else? What about the dozens of children who learn the potentially life saving skill of swimming every year at the Y? I’m also very thankful for the hundreds of annual donors and volunteers who graciously donate their treasure, their time, and their expertise to help others. The YMCA is devoted to serving this community, and it’s awesome to see this community respond!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Another Great Run in the Woods.
The race is really a celebration of the Carolina North Forest, which is managed by UNC Land Management division. If you haven't been there, do yourself a favor and go. Go by yourself, or take a friend, or take the whole family. It's maybe the single most delightful locale in Chapel Hill. I myself have disappeared for a couple of hours on the over 10 miles of single track trails located there.
There are many things that make this race so unique and special. I'd say the biggest thing is that at any time you may find yourself running next to a 6-year old or a 60-year old runner. Also, that runner may be attired in common runners garb or dressed as a pumpkin or a member of a Boy Band. You see, we encourage everyone to come out and run with us, in an effort to show that fitness can be fun, but also in hopes that over 300 people can celebrate the beauty of nature with us.
After the run, there's plenty of pumpkin pie and great dancing at the Post-Race Party back at the Y. For 8 years, local running group SeeJaneRun has worked tirelessly to make sure that every participant gets his or her fill of pie. Open Eye Cafe has always been generous and donated great coffee for the event. Chick-fil-A at University Mall makes sure that our volunteers get fed and so many local vendors donate supplies and prizes.
Now don't get me wrong - All this fun and enjoyment doesn't mean there aren't fast times. This year, John Hinton run the 4K even in 13:15(!!) I myself finished in 17:01 officially (I will mention that my Garmin said 16:55, but whose counting), and was neck and neck with a young man who appeared to be around 12 years old for the last 1/4 mile.
If you didn't run it this year, be sure to mark your calendars for next year. The race is always the Saturday before Halloween, and it always fills up fast. If you did run it this year, thank you so much for making this race such a special event in Chapel Hill. And a special thanks goes to the volunteers who continue to amaze me with their skill, dedication and hard work.
In case you are wondering, proceeds for the race go to the Chapel Hill High School Cross Country Team, to efforts to keep the Carolina North Forest clean, and to the annual YMCA Strong Kids Scholarship Campaign.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Healthy Recipe of the Month: Takeout Fake Out: Sesame Chicken
12 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breasts
2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
2 tablespoons chicken broth
2 tablespoons chopped scallions
1 tablespoon snipped parsley
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons sesame seeds
1 garlic clove, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 1/2 cups carrots, cut into matchsticks
1 cup jicama, cut into matchsticks
1 package (6 ounces) frozen pea pods
2 cups cooked brown rice
1. Cut chicken into strips. Combine soy sauce, chicken broth, scallions, parsley, vinegar, sesame seeds, garlic, and ginger in bowl. Add chicken, stirring to coat; cover and chill for 1 hour.
Shake Salt
"Always use low-sodium soy sauce," says Sharon Richter, RD, a dietitian in New York City. "Two tablespoons of the regular kind contains almost a day's worth of sodium."
Swap your fork for chopsticks. You'll eat more slowly, because it's harder to shovel in food.
We swapped sesame oil for canola, which has less saturated fat and more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Carrots and jicama offer fresh flavor and crisp texture. Use a mandoline to cut them into perfect matchsticks.
At a restaurant, this dish packs up to 1,000 calories. We ditched the deep fryer and used a wok to seal in flavor.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cut Out Distractions - 5 Easy Steps to Better Focus
But - sometimes this ease of communication turns into a roadblock for our productivity, preventing us from accomplishing the very thing that all of these tools are supposed to make easier. I was having one of those days today when I stopped, pushed my chair back from my desk and tried to survey the scene and discover how I could overcome and cut out some of the distractions preventing me from being productive. Here's what I came up with:
- Email Notifications - You know that little "ding" that comes from your computer every time you get a new email? Turn it off. It's in your outlook settings. Just switch it off. Hearing that bell every time you get an email is an incredible distraction.
- Keep a Schedule - Choose two times a day to check and respond to all emails, unless you are expecting an urgent one. You'll give yourself more time to focus on the task at hand without the constant bells and whistles of your email.
- Become an Early Bird - No one likes to get to the office early. Use that to your advantage. Since no one else will be around, you'll get more done without phone calls, people stopping by, or an excuse to chat with your neighbor in the next office.
- Don't Be Afraid to Close Your Door - It seems that it is a universal sign of politeness to work with your office door open, offering everyone the opportunity "come to me if you need anything." That's sweet. But the fact is, people are often distractions. Regardless of what message you may be afraid it is sending, there are times when one of the best things you can i simply close the door. Try it - you'll be surprised.
- Tell Everyone - Take the time to tell everyone your intentions. No matter what plans you put in place, you'll want the support and cooperation of our co-workers and officemates if you want to be successful. Visit each person that you interact with and take 15 minutes to explain your plans to them and your motives behind them. You'll find that giving everyone the heads up will foster trust and earn you the space you need to be more productive.
There are tons of great sites with tips on how to work through distractions at work. Here are a few:
The Blog of Tim Ferriss
Life Organizers Blog
Studies of Office Escapology
Now, What did I miss? What's your best trick to avoid office distractions? How do you cope with the never-ending stream of information coming at us virtually minute-by-minute? Share your tips, tricks and thoughts in the comments.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
20 questions, or what I learned from our YMCA members
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Play with a Purpose
Thursday, July 2, 2009
YMCA - We are Not a Health Club
The caller at the other end of the phone line is usually pretty surprised when my response is "We are Not a Health Club."
This statement sounds a bit odd, but it lies at the core of who the YMCA is and what makes us different, and so important to the community. It's true that we have a fitness center with treadmills, eliptical machines and weight equipment. We also have fitness classes ranging from Yoga to Kickboxing. We offer aqua aerobics and even personal training. But for the YMCA, these are just a means to helping our members and the community lead a healthier life in spirit, mind, and body. It's one of the tools that we use, and that we offer in a uniquely YMCA way, to make our mission become reality.
There's so much more going on here that you won't see at a health club. Every day, dozens of children are learning to swim. Each week, kids are getting after school care. Seniors are taking part in programs specifically designed to meet their needs. Teens who've been short-term suspended are getting the chance to rediscover their strengths and learn to succeed in our Boomerang program. But even more importantly than that, every day, we're developing relationships with our members. We're discovering who they are and how we can better serve them in ways that health clubs don't do. I watch groups of men play racquetball and then go out to lunch together each week. The same goes for our aqua aerobics ladies groups.
This year, the Chapel HIll - Carrboro YMCA will give out over $200,000 in scholarships to individuals, kids and families who otherwise couldn't afford to take part in YMCA programs or memberships. One of the most important pieces of the YMCAs core beliefs is that no one will be turned away from our services based on their ability to pay full price. It's just one more way we're different than a health club.
Let me stop here and say that differentiating ourselves from a health club doesn't mean that we don't like or are "against" health clubs. There are some great health clubs out there and they offer great programs and services for their members. We applaud the work that health clubs do to improve the physical fitness of their members.
I once heard the YMCA described as a movement. I really like that description in that we don't measure our successes in analytical terms. For us it's not about pounds lost or games won or how fast the next lap is sum. For us, we measure our success by the impact we have in people's lives: A single parent is able to keep his or her job because of our after school care program. A child makes new friends because he's on a soccer team. A senior discovers a new hobby through a relationship developed in our Walking Club. These things are what make all the work we do worthwhile.
So if you're a Y member and someone asks you what gym you go to, be sure to tell them that you don't belong to a gym, but you are a part of the YMCA. Tell them about the great stuff that's going on here. And if you want to find out more about what we do, contact me . I'd love to share.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
This is not the end of the line.
Often when people ask me about programs I’m particularly proud of or that seem to be really unique at our YMCA, I have to take a moment to think through all of the dozens of great programs that touch and change lives here each day. One of the programs that is unique and different, and that I am always impressed by is called Boomerang. Boomerang was created to provide short-term suspended middle and high school students with a supervised, positive environment during their time away from school.
Boomerang is resiliency-based. Resiliency is a strength-focused concept that aims to increase a student’s protective factors. This attitude involves searching for, nurturing and reinforcing the gifts and strengths in every student. It strives to provide students with a sense of self, goals, spirituality and other factors so that these students can be the best people they can be.
Boomerang has translated this research into programming that values interpersonal connections with the students they serve. Students who come to Boomerang are offered a fresh start and an opportunity to use the time to reflect on their lives: what choices are working well and which people, both in their families and at school, are supporting them.
Simply stated, from what I’ve seen, this program takes kids who may have been left with the idea that they’ve reached the end of their road, and helps them to discover their strengths, and see that making a mistake doesn’t mean that there’s no hope. Below is a first-hand account of one teen’s experience at Boomerang.
My Experience at Boomerang
While I have been at boomerang, I learned so much. Before I was suspended from East Chapel Hill, I was smoking marijuana daily and drinking every weekend, but going to boomerang and talking with the staff made me realize how I needed to structure my life.
When you first enter the program, the staff shows you that you are not as alone as you think. Everyone who is in the program is going through the same thing as you are. So you can relate to what everyone is talking about. In the mornings there is food provided if you didn’t eat breakfast and everyone just talks and gets to know one another. The point of boomerang, as explained to me by the staff, is not to punish you but to show you what your strengths are, and how to use those strengths to further yourself in life.
There are several activities done throughout the day that show you what your strengths are. One such activity is to draw a tree. This might sound insignificant and childish, but it is structured in a way that shows what your obstacles in life are and what you can use to your advantage. While in the program you also construct a timeline of your life. This timeline is meant to show you how you ended up in boomerang and maybe how to avoid getting back into boomerang in the future.
During the duration of time your in boomerang, you will get 1 on 1 time with several staff members, who talk with you and try to help you. They ask you several questions about your family and friends. They also teach you to avoid risky situations. There is a specific schedule you follow everyday.
At the end of the day there might be a guest speaker who comes in to talk about a wide variety of things such as dating, drugs and violence. When everyone in the room participates in the activities you really find yourself in deep and engaging conversations that you learn a lot from.
I learned so much while in boomerang. It really showed me what I was doing wrong, and how to fix it in a fun and constructive way. I feel like everyone no matter what they do should spend a week in boomerang, because it teaches you how to get your life on track. I feel like if I hadn’t gone to boomerang when I did, I wouldn’t have been able to get my life together until it was too late.
For more information on the Boomerang program, visit or email Julie Wells at
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
the little things.
Our Core Values are taught to our YMCA After School participants each day through a devotion time. Our counselors use quotes and stories to give the children examples of how to implement Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility in their lives. Just when I start to wonder if the kids are catching on, if they're listening to the lessons we teach, they up and surprise me. Several weeks ago, as I walked six kindergarten children to the playground so that they could get a drink of water from our cooler, I noticed that there were cups and snack wrappers on the ground, so I started picking up some trash without saying anything to the kids. I noticed that each child was drinking their cup of water when they started seeing what I was doing. As I was picking up the trash on the ground, some of the children began to talk about “Mother Nature” if she were an actual person. One child said, “Mother Nature is so disappointed in us right now, we are harming her.” They all started giving real, honest statements about “Mother Nature.” At this point, I was hooked. They had my heart. The children then began walking around and picking up trash, without me asking. I told them that I was so proud of them and that they were displaying the responsibility core value and I walked them back to their group. This brightened my day, and reminded me of why we do what we do.
Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility. For some people, these are simply words. But at the YMCA, they are the core values we teach and practice each day. Not just a way of thinking, but an integral part of who we are - as natural as opening our eyes each morning to greet the day.
To find out more about the YMCA, who we are, and what we do, visit our website or stop in for a visit.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Answers to an infamous question
About this time of year I usually get the infamous phrase, “I work out all of the time and I’m not seeing any results. What do I do”? My first initial reaction is to always ask “Do you ever change your workout”?
For the most part, many of us are creatures of habit. We fall into our own comfort zone expecting to see changes. If you’re not toning up, trimming down or feeling any fitter, you probably need to make some changes in your exercise routine. Below are just a few examples of what could be sabotaging your workouts in the gym, at home or outside.
- Diet: All the miles you put in on the treadmill, yoga classes you endure, and 6am Spin classes you wake up for won’t matter if you don’t put the right ingredients into your body. It comes down to eating healthy meals and drinking plenty of water. Think of it as fueling your body for the work that it is about to partake in each day. A healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner are key with healthy snacks in between.
- You only focus on cardio to shed pounds: Adding resistance training twice a week for every major muscle group will increase metabolism which in turn allows you to burn more calories at rest. Resistance training increases bone mass and creates a longer/leaner/stronger you.
- You speed through your reps: Your weights are either too light or they are too heavy (and you’re using momentum or gravity to help you through the movement). Regardless, your muscles aren’t being used efficiently. The second to last and last rep of each set should be challenging. If they aren’t, you need to increase slightly. Always focus on correct form. If you notice that your form is slacking, go back to a lighter weight and work up.
- You stick to the elliptical machine for all your cardio needs: Change your routine up. It’s that simple. Swim on Monday, Tuesday take a Spin class, Wednesday go for a hike outside and Friday come to my 8am Step class. Variety is your best friend!
- Your workouts are strictly endurance based: If you do the same thing day in and day out, STOP! Switch your cardio up with sprints, hills, high resistance, low resistance, circuit routines, etc. Anything you can do to ‘shock’ your body and mind will shake you in to ‘calorie burning’ mode.
There are a few more techniques that could make a difference, but these are the most common. Try focusing on changing just ONE and see what results you get!
Abby can be reached by calling 919.442.YMCA or via email at
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
This is what we do:
In the spring of 2008, as Summer Camp season approached, our assistant youth director, Jeff, was busy planning camps and checking camp rosters, and he noticed one name that had been on camp lists for quite a few years was conspicuously missing. "Sarah" was enrolled in the Y Afterschool program and had been a faithful summer camp attendant for a few years running. But this year, she wasn't signed up for any weeks of camp. Jeff made a few phone calls, including contacting the parents of the child, and the story he heard was heartbreaking:
Seems that within a few weeks, the child's family had dealt with more than one challenge. First, Sarah's father had been diagnosed with cancer. The subsequent medial treatments and planning had put an increased financial burden on the family and required Sarah's mom to work even more hours. That would be enough for any family to handle, but shortly after that, Sarah's grandmother was forced to move in with her when the grandmother's house was lost in a fire. Once again, increased burden for a family. Sarah's mother was left with no choice but to determine where the family could cut costs. She was trying to determine whether or not Sarah could go to camp when Jeff called.
It only took moments for Jeff to know what to do. He immediately contacted the appropriate directors and secured funding from our Open Doors scholarship program so that Sarah could go to camp. He contacted Sarah's mom and told her that there was no reason Sarah would need to change her summer plans, and that the Y was going to make sure she got to attend Camp Clearwater. Through the generosity of our members and the community, the YMCA was able to help Sarah and her family when they needed it most.
That's what we do. It's often said that the Y is here to be what you need when you need it. I get to watch these things happen every day right here in our building, and it's a privilege that constantly reminds me to be thankful for blessings. For more information on what the Y does, or to be a part of it, you can contact me at
The funding for our Open Doors scholarship program comes from donations from our members and community. Each year, those funds are used to help hundreds of kids right here in our community take part in afterschool, summer camps and programs. It also helps adults, seniors and families. To learn more or to make a contribution to the Strong Kids Campaign, visit our website.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Exercise - a Family Affair
Whether you and I realize it or not, kids are looking to us as role models, even from the perspective of a healthy lifestyle. Liz Neporent, personal trainer and fitness consultant, talks about the importance of setting an example to our families in the way we approach fitness. "If you spend most of your time plopped on the couch and rarely exercise, you can expect more of your clan to do the same. So pack up the kids, leash the pooch and make exercise a family affair," says Neporent.
Some suggestions she makes:
- Always make exercise fun and enjoyable for everyone. Try activities that will raise heart rates, such as a game of family touch football or sack races. Even consider taking a family cycle around the neighborhood.
- Take a family stroll around the neighborhood. Empower your kids by letting a different child choose the route each time. Consider choosing a theme for each walk, like pointing out wildlife.
- Once a week, go to the park for a family affair. Play games, swing on the jungle gym and explore trails. If you go with several other families you can play team activities such as kids vs. adults to promote teamwork and make friends.
Neporent's last comment got me thinking about how great a community we live in and how many (FREE!) opportunities we have to take advantage of as families. There are so many options within a short drive that I dare say it would take weeks to duplicate any trip.
Here are a few of my favorites: (All titles are links to more information) - The Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area: Located off Cole Mill Road in Durham, this park features the highest point in Orange County at 867 feet. It covers 190 acres and has nearly 3 miles of trails, including a few high bluffs that provide great views of Hillsborough during the winter when leaves don't impede the vista.
- The Trails of Carolina North: Covering over 750 acres, this land is also known as the Horace Williams Tract. It's rich in historical and archaeological significance. UNC Chapel Hill's Grounds Services Department does a great job of maintaining the land and there are miles of trails, some wide enough for groups, some designed for single track running, biking and hiking. This is also the home of the YMCAs annual Pumpkin Run.
- The Coker Arboretum: The UNC Arboretum was first developed in i1903 by Dr. William Chambers Coker as an outdoor classroom for the study of native North Carolina fauna. It covers 5 acres and is abundant in learning opportunities.
- Umstead Park: Though a bit further away, Umstead Park is a true treasure. It covers nearly 5,600 acres and offers the opportunity to disappear into wilderness. The park offers 20 miles (!) of trails and range from short strolls to extensive hikes. There's also camping, boating and educational events.
- Last but certainly, not least, there's your very own Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA! We work every day to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. We offer open family gym time, recreational swim, family strengthening programs like YGuides & Princesses and you can even volunteer to coach your kids soccer, basketball or Tball team.
What's your favorite local family adventure? Share it with us here. And as always, thanks for stopping by!