Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cut Out Distractions - 5 Easy Steps to Better Focus

Ever had one of those days?  I'm talking about one of the days when you've got about a thousand things to do and it seems that everyone in the world knows it and is determined to keep you from your task(s).  Today was one of those days for me and it got me to thinking about ways to reduce distractions and give yourself an advantage when it comes to tackling the day's tasks.  We live in an age where communication is easier than ever and if you can't reach someone, you aren't trying.

But - sometimes this ease of communication turns into a roadblock for our productivity, preventing us from accomplishing the very thing that all of these tools are supposed to make easier.  I was having one of those days today when I stopped, pushed my chair back from my desk and tried to survey the scene and discover how I could overcome and cut out some of the distractions preventing me from being productive.  Here's what I came up with:
  • Email Notifications - You know that little "ding" that comes from your computer every time you get a new email?  Turn it off.  It's in your outlook settings.  Just switch it off.  Hearing that bell every time you get an email is an incredible distraction.
  • Keep a Schedule - Choose two times a day to check and respond to all emails, unless you are expecting an urgent one.  You'll give yourself more time to focus on the task at hand without the constant bells and whistles of your email.
  • Become an Early Bird - No one likes to get to the office early.  Use that to your advantage.  Since no one else will be around, you'll get more done without phone calls, people stopping by, or an excuse to chat with your neighbor in the next office.
  • Don't Be Afraid to Close Your Door - It seems that it is a universal sign of politeness to work with  your office door open, offering everyone the opportunity "come to me if you need anything."  That's sweet.  But the fact is, people are often distractions.  Regardless of what message you may be afraid it is sending, there are times when one of the best things you can i simply close the door.  Try it - you'll be surprised.
  • Tell Everyone - Take the time to tell everyone your intentions.  No matter what plans you put in place, you'll want the support and cooperation of our co-workers and officemates if you want to be successful.  Visit each person that you interact with and take 15 minutes to explain your plans to them and your motives behind them.  You'll find that giving everyone the heads up will foster trust and earn you the space you need to be more productive.
Of course, don't forget exercise.  Keeping yourself fit and healthy all the time will help you focus more at key times.  And once you become more productive at work, you'll find yourself more calm, relaxed and centered at all times.  Now that's Spirt, Mind & Body.

There are tons of great sites with tips on how to work through distractions at work.  Here are a few:

The Blog of Tim Ferriss
Life Organizers Blog
Studies of Office Escapology

Now, What did I miss?  What's your best trick to avoid office distractions?  How do you cope with the never-ending stream of information coming at us virtually minute-by-minute?  Share your tips, tricks and thoughts in the comments.

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