Friday, August 13, 2010

A New Look, or "What's All the Fuss About?"

You might have heard recently that the YMCA has recently launched a "brand revitalization campaign" nationally. There's even been some media coverage of this, with responses from the likes of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Even the Village People have given their two cents on the matter.

Since the Y announced this intention, I've wondered to myself, "What does that mean to our members, to our participants, and to our community? What can the expect from us now?" And now that it's official, some members and people in our community are asking those same questions.

So here's the good news: We're not changing what we do, not one bit. For over 40 years right here in Chapel Hill, it's been our mission to strengthen the spirit, mind, and body of all people in this community through effective programs, strong leadership, and healthy practices based on Judeo-Christian Principles.

One of the things we realized is that what you might call us and what we call ourselves don't always match. I've heard people many times say, "I'm headed over to the Y." or "The kids are signed up for summer camp at the Y." So, moving forward, you'll hear us refer to ourselves much more often as the Y. Even though our corporate name remains The Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA, we recognized that, in conversation, we ARE the Y.

One of the things we've done is change our logo. But it's so much more than just that. At the Y, our cause is simply stated, but rich in meaning: Strengthening the foundations of community. And, in all we do, our focus is on Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.

Over the coming days, we hope to share with you what these things mean to us, how they guide what we do, and how you can be a part of it all. Once again, I'd like to say that this Y has always been and will continue to be here to serve you and everyone in the community, regardless of the color of a logo, the words we use to describe ourselves or what the sign out front looks like.

Thanks for being a part of the Y and we look forward to working with you to make the community an even better one.

So what do you think? Have you seen the new Y logo and look? And how does the Y impact your life? Share your thoughts! We'd love to hear them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Bigger Impact of Summer Camp

This is such a fun time of year at the Y. As school winds down and
summer approaches, there's a building frenzy toward one of our busiest times of the year - Summer Camp. Staff is hired and trained, sites are cleaned and prepped, registrations are made and all the like. I get the question asked of me daily - "Are y'all getting ready for camp?" I always answer yes and chat about all the preparations being made, when in all actuality, it's not so much me as the Youth Department Staff.

I suppose we do get excited about camp around here. We get to see kids all year long, but it's different at camp. I'm not sure if it's because of the setting, or the activities or simply since its summer, but things are so different at camp.

It occurred to me this morning as I was thinking about it, that Summer Camp has a really unique place in the collective memories and culture of a large part of our country. You can see it everywhere, from movies to TV shows and even commercials. Summer camp has become something of a rite of passage in the typical American kid's life. It seems that nearly everyone I meet nowadays has at least one great memory of Summer Camp that has stayed with them their entire lives. I love hearing them. I'm amazed that adults still remember the names of camp counselors, directors and lifeguards at the camps they where they spent their childhoods. Hearing people recount their stories always, and i mean ALWAYS brings a smile to my face.

I used to think that these memories were nothing more than simple things that stick in our memories for random reasons. But now, after being around Y camp staff for a few years, I'm thinking something different. It occurs to me that even when it looks to me like these young staff members are simply playing with kids, or loading buses or cleaning a scraped knee, they're actually choosing to spend Summer living with intention and making efforts to affect kids with their smiles, attitudes and character. Here's a little insight: I never went to Summer camp. So for me, watching this on a daily basis is like being at camp. And I love it. I know for me, a summer off in college was a time to shut my brain down, so, not to sound cheesy, but seeing these kids do what they do is inspirational.

It also occurs to me that those memories - the ones we keep all the way through adulthood - the ones from camp - those memories don't just happen to stick with us because they're fun, or we were having a good time. No, we carry those memories because someone, a counselor, or a lifeguard, or a camp director, was also living intentionally, working to affect us, and whether or not they realized it, helping to create the story of who we would become. The memories that stuck with us are those that someone helped us create.

So we're only a couple of weeks from creating some new memories that someone will be talking about 20 years from now. I can't wait to have the chance to get a glimpse of those special moments happening. Who knows, maybe I'll get to be a part of a new memory.

What about you? Do you have a special memory from camp? Was there someone who meant so much that you still remember his or her name? Tell me about it, share it. I'd love to hear the story.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April Fitness Tip - The Plank

Here's the April fitness video. This one covers the Plank. It's an easy exercise for the core that you can do almost anywhere. Is there an exercise you'd like for us to cover on the blog? Let us know and we'll schedule it! To view the video full size on our Youtube channel, click here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Exercising: Find your Fun!

I've been thinking a lot lately about how physical fitness (or at least exercise) and spiritual well-being and true happiness seem to really go hand-in-hand. And yet, when we think of "getting fit," most of usually obsess over calories burnt, calories taken in, time on the treadmill, and the like. We never think about how exercise makes us happier people.

For a long time, my exercise routine and fitness regimen had the same meaning. As some of you know, when i started working at the Y nearly 5 years ago, I was substantially overweight. So I started to exercise with the simple goal of losing weight. I'd tried the whole "exercise" thing in the past, but could never stick with it. I think something clicked when I discovered something I love to do. Exercise should NOT be miserable, nor should it be something that feels like work. You gotta go out and find something that's fun. And that should be the very first thing you look for when you're looking to start a workout routine. Ask yourself: "Would I have fun if I _______ for exercise?" If the answer is no, move on. If the answer is yes, then you can start asking questions about target heart rate, calories burned, even what cute outfit you'll wear whilst doing said activity. But for goodness sake, start by having fun.

We're really good at attaching this idea to work. If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times, "Find something you love to do, then figure out a way to get paid for it." No one ever questions this line of thinking, but it's not often that I've seen someone slogging through a treadmill run just stop and announce that "This is no fun, so I'm not doing it anymore."

It's time to change that. And if you want, you can start at the Y. Consider this my personal invitation. If there's a regularly scheduled fitness class that we offer that you've always wanted to try, come on! There's space for you. If you don't like it, you can leave. If it's fun, you might just be on to something. Here's a list of what we've got to offer. Check it out and choose one. And I want to hear what you chose. Tell me about your class in the comments on this post, or leave it as a comment on the Y's Facebook Fan Page.

I run. It's fun to me. So now how about you? What do you do to exercise that's Fun? I want to know! Let's hear it!

Today's healthy food: Quinoa (pronounced /ˈkiːnoʊ.ə/ or /kwɨˈnoʊ.ə/,). Quinoa is a grain-like crop grown primarily for its edible seeds. It is a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal, or grain, as it is not a grass. As a chenopod, quinoa is closely related to species such as beets, spinach, and tumbleweeds. I love this stuff. Check out this site to learn more about it and find great recipes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March Fitness Tip - Standing Back Squats

Here's the first of a new monthly fitness video blog series for you. This one covers the standing back squat. Is there an exercise you'd like for us to cover on the blog? Let us know and we'll schedule it! To view the video full size on our Youtube channel, click here.