Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Y Member in the news

I saw a great article in the Chapel Hill News yesterday.  Seems a long-time Y members is doing great things here in Chapel Hill.  Terry Crook, a loyal member of the morning workout crew here, is the Realtor of the Year for Chapel Hill.  I know Terry from seeing him here, like clockwork, for his workouts.  He always asks for the same radio (he likes the black ones, not the blue ones).  

According to the article, Crook moved here in 1999 from Boston where he was Realtor of the Year for the Greater Boston Area in 1994.  He moved here to escape the cold winters and be closer to his daughter and their family.  Crook has served on several boards, including the local Certified Residential Specialist Board for the last 6 1/2 years.  

I'm always surprised at the "hidden gems" we have here at our Y.  Every day, I discover more amazing and interesting things about our members.  I think these unique stories, talents and experiences are what make this such a great place to work and to be a part of.  Often we get so caught up in serving the over 6,000 members here and trying to keep things flowing smoothly, we forget to stop and get to know you better.  I'll be making efforts this year to do more of that.  If you know of a member who's received special recognition in the community, or who has an interesting story to share, feel free to stop by and tell me, as I'd love to spread the word.  In the meantime, if you see Terry, be sure to congratulate him.  Way to go Terry!

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