Friday, August 13, 2010

A New Look, or "What's All the Fuss About?"

You might have heard recently that the YMCA has recently launched a "brand revitalization campaign" nationally. There's even been some media coverage of this, with responses from the likes of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Even the Village People have given their two cents on the matter.

Since the Y announced this intention, I've wondered to myself, "What does that mean to our members, to our participants, and to our community? What can the expect from us now?" And now that it's official, some members and people in our community are asking those same questions.

So here's the good news: We're not changing what we do, not one bit. For over 40 years right here in Chapel Hill, it's been our mission to strengthen the spirit, mind, and body of all people in this community through effective programs, strong leadership, and healthy practices based on Judeo-Christian Principles.

One of the things we realized is that what you might call us and what we call ourselves don't always match. I've heard people many times say, "I'm headed over to the Y." or "The kids are signed up for summer camp at the Y." So, moving forward, you'll hear us refer to ourselves much more often as the Y. Even though our corporate name remains The Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA, we recognized that, in conversation, we ARE the Y.

One of the things we've done is change our logo. But it's so much more than just that. At the Y, our cause is simply stated, but rich in meaning: Strengthening the foundations of community. And, in all we do, our focus is on Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.

Over the coming days, we hope to share with you what these things mean to us, how they guide what we do, and how you can be a part of it all. Once again, I'd like to say that this Y has always been and will continue to be here to serve you and everyone in the community, regardless of the color of a logo, the words we use to describe ourselves or what the sign out front looks like.

Thanks for being a part of the Y and we look forward to working with you to make the community an even better one.

So what do you think? Have you seen the new Y logo and look? And how does the Y impact your life? Share your thoughts! We'd love to hear them.