The race is really a celebration of the Carolina North Forest, which is managed by UNC Land Management division. If you haven't been there, do yourself a favor and go. Go by yourself, or take a friend, or take the whole family. It's maybe the single most delightful locale in Chapel Hill. I myself have disappeared for a couple of hours on the over 10 miles of single track trails located there.
There are many things that make this race so unique and special. I'd say the biggest thing is that at any time you may find yourself running next to a 6-year old or a 60-year old runner. Also, that runner may be attired in common runners garb or dressed as a pumpkin or a member of a Boy Band. You see, we encourage everyone to come out and run with us, in an effort to show that fitness can be fun, but also in hopes that over 300 people can celebrate the beauty of nature with us.
After the run, there's plenty of pumpkin pie and great dancing at the Post-Race Party back at the Y. For 8 years, local running group SeeJaneRun has worked tirelessly to make sure that every participant gets his or her fill of pie. Open Eye Cafe has always been generous and donated great coffee for the event. Chick-fil-A at University Mall makes sure that our volunteers get fed and so many local vendors donate supplies and prizes.
Now don't get me wrong - All this fun and enjoyment doesn't mean there aren't fast times. This year, John Hinton run the 4K even in 13:15(!!) I myself finished in 17:01 officially (I will mention that my Garmin said 16:55, but whose counting), and was neck and neck with a young man who appeared to be around 12 years old for the last 1/4 mile.
If you didn't run it this year, be sure to mark your calendars for next year. The race is always the Saturday before Halloween, and it always fills up fast. If you did run it this year, thank you so much for making this race such a special event in Chapel Hill. And a special thanks goes to the volunteers who continue to amaze me with their skill, dedication and hard work.
In case you are wondering, proceeds for the race go to the Chapel Hill High School Cross Country Team, to efforts to keep the Carolina North Forest clean, and to the annual YMCA Strong Kids Scholarship Campaign.